The Natural Gas Economic Valuation Report

by Sparks Research, with cooperation from the APGA

Natural Gas Economic Valuation Report
Sale Price:$295.00 Original Price:$1,000.00
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In the Economic Valuation Report, we sought to answer the often asked but never answered question everyone always asks:  What is the total impact of Natural Gas on a home’s perceived market value?

Knowing the answer to this powerful question would change the way Natural Gas is marketed over Electric in the residential market. But with this bold question comes many sub-questions:

  • What are the most attractive products?
  • What appliances tip the scale of market preference and perceived home value?
  • And perhaps the most frequently asked question: What is the optimal number of Natural Gas Burner Tips to drive market preference and perceived home value?

In this 47-page report, we answer all of these questions and more!

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