Fast is Best

Remember the old tale of the “Tortoise and the Hare”?

Many times we are Hare like - now, now, now, fast, fast, fast! If we recall the story, we know how that ended for the Rabbit!

In this new world of technology we can get most items quick quick. Even big ticket items appear at our doorstep in 2ish days. BUT real results are not made in the microwave, they take time.
And because we are impatient, and used to 2ish days as a timeframe, we sometimes don’t want to take our time.

In the Fitness world we always say, “you’ll start seeing results in around 6 weeks, BUT you have to do your part outside of the gym too.” This means homework.

This same homework applies to creating a successful research study that will yield results that are meaningful and usable. Planning and execution take time and homework. And we aren’t talking about microwave time.

Research Study Questions to ponder...

1 - What do you want to know? What are your goals?

2 - Are you willing to do your homework on the front so your end result will be satisfying and applicable?

3 - Will you take time to loop around after you get started to modify and adjust where necessary?

Remember we have allotted time since we are not “microwaving.” We can add ingredients or take some away midway because we have not burned or scorched our timeframe!

Slow down, loop back, modify and adjust to get our end result as close to perfect as a slow cooked customized homemade meal.

Nothing worth having is fast or easy! However, with planning, homework and adjustments we sure will come close!