Oh Maxims

  1. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

  2. Change is the only constant. 

  3. Nothing ventured nothing gained. 

  4. Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.

  5. You can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. 

  6. You can’t boil the ocean (Ok, that is quasi-internal at Sparks, but you catch my drift!) 

Oh Maxims! It seems like they all are begging us to improve. We are on the constant search for our best selves. If we aren’t, then we should be! Now there’s a thought. 

 Here is a great example of a company striving to be better through change…  

In 1991 Kentucky Fried Chicken changed its official name to KFC. The biggest reason that the company changed the name was because the public, starting in the 1980s, was becoming more health-conscious and they wanted to play down the “fried” part of the name. The research suggested that people did not want to be reminded that what they were eating wasn’t as healthy as what the fat-free craze was suggesting/screaming to them! 

 What a brave move - right?!?! Well, you can bet they did a lot of research to come to this conclusion. Yes, it was a big move, but they knew it was a good move because they tested it through research. They did not run around, “like a chicken with its head cut off.” They had direction from the data. 

A question for us all… do we need a brand refresh on some level? 

Let’s end this the way we started. Oh Maxims…

 “Business is never so healthy as when, like a chicken, it must do a certain amount of scratching for what it gets.” - Henry Ford 

Cheers to your personal and business successes. 

- The Sparks Team